Performance Data

Each year, schools report their assessment data based on the outcomes of statutory tests. These include:


Reception: EYFS Data
Year 1: Phonics Screening Check
Year 2: End of Key stage 1 (EOKS1) Assessment Data 
Year 4: Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
Year 6: End of Key Stage 2 (EOKS2) Assessment Data


Currently, St Cecilia's only have Key Stage 2 classes therefore we only have data from the MTC and EOKS2 assessments to report.
Multiplication Tables Check
The purpose of the MTC is determine whether a child can fluently recall the times tables up to and including 12 x 12. The test is completed online and children must answer 25, randomly selected times table questions. The children have 6 seconds to answer each question. 




End of Key Stage 2 Assessments
End of Key Stage 2 assessment data is taken at the end of Year 6. Reading, Maths and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling are assessed via nationally administered test (SATs). Writing and Science is based on a teacher's assessment using a range of evidence including test data, the work in class books and classroom discussions.