
The Keys Academy Trust sets the admissions policy for St Cecilia’s Church of England Primary School independently of the local authority. We are bound by the government Code of Practice for admissions. 
Church of England schools have always been for the benefit of their local community regardless of faith. This remains the position, as evidenced by the Diocese advocating that Church of England schools should not have faith based oversubscription criteria. There will be no faith-based criteria in relation to admission to St Cecilia’s CE Primary School.
In accordance with the School Admissions Code, children with an EHCP naming the school will always be admitted and priority will need to be given to looked after or formerly looked children. However, the top priority will then be for the children of the local community.
The oversubscription criteria for St Cecilia’s Church of England Primary School will reflect those already in general use by Wokingham Borough Council for other local maintained primary schools within its own admissions procedures and in line with those recommended by the Oxford Diocesan Board of Education.


St Cecilia's CofE Admissions Policy 2024-25

St Cecilia's CofE Admissions Policy 2025-26

ODBE Appeals Timetable



Wokingham Borough Council Admissions